Now that you have decided to proceed with surgery, our office will get you ready for your surgical day. You will meet with Renee (Dr. Zell’s care Coordinator) to set up a date for your surgery and she will help you make the arrangements for your surgical day. We will contact your insurance company to check on your coverage for surgery. For our Workmen’s Compensation patients, we will assure that surgery has been approved by your carrier.
Most patients will require a medical clearance with their primary care physician. We have specific paperwork that needs to be completed by your doctor that we will fax to his/her office. The tests required before surgery (lab work, chest x-ray, EKG) will depend on your age, medical history, and procedure. Some patients may be sent to urgent care centers to obtain medical clearance (if their surgery is emergent or if their medical doctor is not available to perform the pre-operative work). Some patients may also be sent to see the anesthesiologist at the hospital/surgery center for a pre-operative evaluation.
Please let us know if you are taking any of the following medications: Blood thinners (such as Coumadin, Eliquis, Pradaxa, Plavix or Aspirin), Insulin, Accutane, seizure medications, steroids (such as Prednisone), rheumatologic medications (such as Embrel). Patients taking blood thinners will need to adjust or stop them prior to surgery to decrease bleeding during the procedure. Some patients on Coumadin or Eliquis will need to switch to Lovenox before surgery. Accutane patients will need blood tests pre-operatively to check liver function.
Stop taking Herbal supplements, vitamins, Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Aleve and other NSAID medications for 10 days before surgery. These medications can increase bleeding during surgery. It is OK to take Tylenol during the 10 days prior to surgery.
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery.
On the morning of the day of surgery you may brush your teeth (provided you do not swallow any water). Do not eat or drink anything the morning of surgery. Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes to the hospital/surgery center. Please removal all jewelry and nail polish. If you wear contact lenses, please remove them and wear glasses. Try and plan for your recovery before surgery. Inform your family and friends about your surgery should you need help during your recovery. Some patients find it helpful to prepare/freeze meals.
Have ice bags available which are helpful for pain relief/swelling. These can simply be a bag of frozen vegetables or fancier ice bags from a surgical supply store/sports store.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please call 203-785-7720 to speak with Renee/Dr. Zell.